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What is a vegan?

Journalist: Steffi Robles

   Most of us know about vegetarians and many of us have friends who are vegetarian, but many people still do not know what a vegan is. Like vegetarians, vegans do not consume meat from animals, however vegans also do not consume any other product that comes from animals such eggs, milk, honey, gelatin, or whey.

Many question why a person would even consider becoming a vegan. There aren't many calories in fruits and vegetables and you can't get protein without eating meat. Well, only half of that is true. Yes, fruits and vegetables are very calorie dense foods which means that you will have to eat more in order to obtain enough calories in a day. However there are many alternatives for obtaining protein from non-animal products. Dark greens are a great source of protein and calcium. Nuts and seeds also contain protein, and there are also many food combinations like rice and beans that can give you the same amount of amino acids that you get from eating meat.

   Vegans usually have no problem getting their recommended amount of protein. Most vegans worry more about being deficient in Vitamin B12, which is mainly found in animal products such as meat, seafood, and eggs. However a monthly shot or multivitamin can help to keep vegans from becoming vitamin deficient.

   So the question remains: why would a person become vegan? Many do it for the sake of the billions of animals unjustly slaughtered every year and others do it in order to adapt a healthy lifestyle.

Wheatgrass Shot


  • 2 apples

  • 2 stems of celery

  • half a lemon

  • 3 bunches of wheatgrass - enough to make 2oz (60ml)of wheatgrass juice.

How to Make

  • Wash the fruit and vegetables

  • Core the apples, and peel the lemon. If the lemon is organic and you like a really strong lemon taste then leave the peel on.

  • Chop apples, celery, and lemon to fit your juicer

  • Juice the wheatgrass in your wheatgrass juicer.

  • Juice the apples, lemon, and celery.

Serve and enjoy.

Life Style


By: Steffi Robles

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